Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Our very own angel from Heaven

I heard recently at a sermon that God could not be everywhere, so He made mothers. For those of us who are fortunate and blessed to still have our mothers with us, we should thank the Almighty that they are still around. I am grateful to be blessed with a mother who so completely lived her life for her children.

It does not matter what age a mother or her child/children are, it is a never ending thankless job. Nothing is a bigger proof of what goes around comes around (sometimes multi-fold) than motherhood (as I have come to understand during my very brief stint with motherhood). I have come to appreciate the mother duty much more now than I did when I was a teen or maybe even older than that. It is a 24x7 job, in the deepest sleep a mother knows if her child calls out to her. When a child is sick, a mother has no sleep or rest, she simply cannot sleep knowing her child is unwell or disturbed.

Mummy, you did this all on your own. You looked after us, you educated us, ‘found’ our life partners for us and still your duty continues. I wonder sometimes how you managed, a job, no help at home, the cooking, cleaning, washing and all else that comes along with looking after 2 children. Yet in the middle of all that you managed to find out when we read romance novels instead of studying, you knew when we watched TV on the sly and even those phone calls from boys that we thought we were so smart to cover up.

My mother taught me that charity is not only if you have to spare, but depends on the need of the person who is asking. My mother taught me to make sacrifices for the ones we love. That we should forgive those who wrong us, give second chances, she taught me selflessness and care. She taught me that life is not always fair, but hope prevails. Most importantly she taught me never to put money and materials over people. All this she did in the way she lived her life. An epitome of love and selflessness and care.

We love you ma, for who you are. We love that you are such a wonderful mother and grandmother. We love the angel that God has sent down for us. Thank You for being you. It is not the number of years that matter but how you lived those years. We pray that you continue to be our guiding light for many more years to come. Happy Birthday ma/madu.

Saturday, 23 July 2016


A tribute to daddy, my father, who passed away when I was at the verge of turning six, a very young age for both of us. We missed so many opportunities together, first communion, engagement, wedding, and his grand-children so many wonderful experiences that we could have shared.

As an infant I was raised by my maternal grandmother and came to live with daddy only at the ripe old age of 2 and a half. A brat of the first order, thoroughly spoilt by the grandparents and an assortment of aunts and uncles, they say my feet never touched the ground and all I had to do was point and what I wanted would come to me. Daddy had a wild one to deal with, at 2 and a half I could speak much more clearly than my sister who is a year older to me. I, apparently smart-mouthed him at every possible opportunity.

My memory of him is hazy at best. A blurred image of a man sitting on a sofa, him switching on the television or something similar, morning wake up calls “Nisy, Nancy”. Both of us apparently woke up at a single call and even made our own beds. My uncles and aunts say he was a wonderful brother. His opinions respected and listened to and he was considered as the go to person for anything and everything.

My mother in those times after he passed away, did the best possible for us, tuitions, dance classes, sports coaching, she gave us all of it. Yet at some odd moments I wonder how different our lives would have been, not just mine and my sister’s but mummy’s too if he had been around. Often at programs me or my sister would wish both daddy and mummy could watch us perform. He loved to see us perform, enrolled us for dance classes at a very early age, me at 3 and my sister 4. He would have been a proud father watching his children performing on stage or at sporting events.

I am often asked, do you remember him, I don’t, not really. But I do know whenever life has thrown boomerangs at me, I go and have a quiet conversation with him, and I feel better. Almost as if he is there with his arms around me saying its ok, I am here. Do I know him? I wish I did. I wish I had a chance to grow up with him do all those things little girls did with their daddies. I wish my mom had a chance to grow old with him. I am sure my sister wishes the same.

I hope we, me and my sister have done him proud. We have tried to fill the gap for our mother once we were old enough just as she did for us when we were children. I wish he was here with us, no, I know he is here with us, watching over us, taking care of us.  I don’t know if I have said it during the very brief time that I had with you, but daddy please know, I love you!

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

I am Me!

We are who we are, complete and whole.  I am not just enough, I am complete, I am whole. Through every challenge that we face, if we can remember that... It will help us to come through it stronger and wiser. I am whole, I am complete, I am me!