When we were kids one of my mother’s favorite comment was, “Wait till you are my age, and you have children, you will know what I am going through.” Ma, I am sorry if we gave you a tough time when we were children. We love and appreciate
all that you have done for us. We understand that being a single mother and bringing up the two of us (one who loved clothes and shoes and another who loved books and sports) was a real uphill task. We love you completely, totally, unconditionally. We love
you when you love us, we love you when you are reasonable and unreasonable and we love you when you scold us (maybe not so much at the time… just saying!) We also love you always. Just like we know you love us, its shows every time you scold us, when you get upset
when we don’t call, in everything you say and do there is love.
But Ma, we have kids and we were nothing like these ones now. We were little angels. You had an easy job compared to us. They are way smarter than we were at their age, seems like they were practicing law and the art of negotiation in the womb instead of sucking their thumbs and blinking their eyes.
Being a mom is a lesson in love. Your children are the ones you will love no matter what they are, how they are or who they become. That is why they say a mother’s love is unconditional. So for all the mothers out there
and specially to mine. Here is a big pat on our backs. We love them from poop and puke through probing questions and puberty, it has to be unconditional. Being a mom is tears of joy, peals of laughter, unexpected hugs and kisses. It is also bruises
and frustration and fevers and failures, and nothing compares to what we feel for our children.
Happy Mother’s Day Ma and to all You wonderful Mom’s out there!
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